Food and Drink in Cocaine Blues

Here is a list of all the food and drink mentioned in the book Cocaine Blues. Over the next week or so I will be posting some recipes:

Toast, Ham and Eggs - Phryne's breakfast aboard The Orient
Lobster Mayonnaise with cucumbers - Lunch which Phryne takes at the Windsor Hotel
Teacake and a pot of tea - Phryne and Dot share this when they first meet
Egg and bacon pie – Phryne and Dr Mac's lunch at the cafe
Salads, ham and meringues – Luncheon at Lydia's house
Salad russe, pheasant and ham, pudding made with raspberries and tea - The Picnic that Phryne, Dot, Cec and Burt take 
Soup, Veal, Chicken ragout, Cheese and ices and coffee - The celebration lunch at the Windsor Hotel that everyone shares after Phryne cracks the case
Cocktails are also mentioned but none specifically that  I can remember.

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